The Song of Hope

Photo by Darren Coleshill


“Hope is that song of defiance, always a rousing blend of sorrow and joy. With things that are difficult to endure and painful to understand, hope keeps you human. It reminds you of a more true song inside you that nothing—not even death—can steal away. It reminds you that you were made for love, no matter what. It reminds you that this moment—your life today—is a precious thing not to be wasted. Hope invites you to voice any acheful wish. Hope, if you’ll let it, welcomes others in, even in the thickest of darkness.

“While you wait for whatever it is that you seek and are crying out to understand the why of it all, may hope rise, giving you something of a voice for your feelings, desires, and confusion. It doesn’t have to be sung with a cheerful heart. Just honest.” 

Jon DeWaal

Excerpt from

While I intended this post to go live in January, it seems all the more important now as our world is facing threats of hopelessness. Whether we are concerned about our own future and carry the deep sadness for those whose lives have been devastated by aggressive acts of war, or if we ourselves are in the belly of darkness and grief, we must find hope. Self-fabricated hope will unravel. How do we learn the “song of defiance that blends sorrow with joy?”

Not meaning to be preachy, could I offer that hope is based in Love that is based in Eternity, that is the very fiber of God’s heart.

Some will throw back at me that if God is love, why does he let all this bad stuff happen?

I don’t know. But what I do know is that His love allows for free will. His love never abandons. His love quiets my fears. His love heals my broken heart. His love forgives my regrets. His love sets me free to keep loving and hoping.

When we are tempted to turn our song sour, can we turn to hope in the Divine heart of Eternal love and begin to trust it is real? This love has no beginning and knows no end. This Love will make all things new and then we will get the answers to our questions. I am hoping for that with a cheerful and honest heart. Would you join me in this rousing defiant song of hope mixing sorrow with joy?

© Karen Nicola 2022


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