Grieving with Hope

“Just how does someone grieve who does not have hope?”

someone recently asked me.  So, I asked myself the next question, “What is hope?”  Is it wishful thinking, or absolute confidence?  Is it neither?  Could hope be just a fancy of our imaginations? Or the anticipation of the unknown, but longed for?  Awe, hope is tied into desire. . . . desiring something or someone we don't currently have.In what or whom do we place our desire for the future as we begin to navigate our grieving hearts through the troubled sea of pain, regrets, heartache  despair, anger, numbness, and eventually acceptance?  There are anchors of hope along the way.  Here are a few:  We can anchor on our desire to keep or grow strong relationships with family and friends.  We can hold on to our desire for the pain to subside. (It will).  We can keep from sinking by hoping in God who heals the brokenhearted   Are we anchored on the hope of the resurrection and eternity with no more tears?  Many hold on tight to the anticipated desire of seeing their loved one restored to perfect health and wholeness at the second coming of Jesus.This spiritual dimension of hope and healing seems vital to a robust healing of our grief.  If hoping in God is something new to you, please consider the option.  God’s great love and understanding of your storm tossed heart is as real as this message.  He is present with us, personally acquainted with grief and still He is our anchor.  His peace is beyond human contrivance.  His plan for complete restoration of this planet and those who live or have lived here is more than wishful thinking or over active imaginations.  Attaching to this anchor of hope can make all the difference in our healing process.

Collective Seven

Collective Seven is a boutique creative agency and marketing firm located in Seattle. We work with companies at all levels of development and specialize in branding, marketing, advertising, and bringing products and services to market.

At Collective Seven we create brands people love.

A Challenge to the Comforter Part 2


Joy through our Mourning