Grief Education For Churches | Spiritual Communities

Education for Spiritual Communities

When parishioners grieve, who provides the comfort and pathway to God’s healing? If the larger community of fellowship supports the grieving all experience a greater benefit.  We offer training and workshops for spiritual leaders, local membership, and neighboring communities.

Wouldn’t it be wonderful if you and others in your community knew how to effectively help those who mourn? Wouldn’t it be a blessing of hope and healing if you could confidently assist others through their losses? Too many people, wondering what to say or do, feel inadequate to truly come alongside and comfort the grieving. What we bring to your workplace, church or community setting are trans-formative seminars packed with fresh insights, new skills, and a safe learning environment. Grief is no longer the enemy to be shunned, but has become the vehicle to connect with one another.

Raising our awareness about bereavement is of top concern for us as we encounter our modern culture that is unable to model and support healthy grieving.  As previous classroom teachers, Steve and Karen have taught collectively for nearly 40 years.  Karen brings her engaging and meaningful learning environment to every seminar or workshop.  Comfort for the Day Workshops include small group work, discussions, and goal planning both for the group as well as individuals. With Steve’s added insights and humor, attendees receive much more than they expect.  

Karen is available to speak on the topic of grieving and healing from loss in either seminar format or stand alone presentations.  Her focus is to raise awareness of the grieving experience and to assist the audience with skills for becoming healthy grievers and renowned comforters.  In a world that is bent on pain and death, individuals who will come along side the hurting are like a warm blanket on a chilly, dark night.

Attendee Reactions to CFD Workshops

“I have never attended anything like this.  I found it very helpful.” Missoula MT
“Great workshop!
The most useful part was the exercise where we built a care plan for a loss.”
Yakima WA
“If you want to help a grieving friend, but aren’t quite sure how, this workshop is the place to be.”
Carmichael CA
“Thank you, Karen, for a creative and safe learning environment.”
Weott CA
“This was awesome.
I was helped by learning what really helps a bereaved family.  It is all about them and my part is to become a good listener.”
ACS Retreat at Leoni Meadows, Grizzly Flat California

Worship Messages

In addition to facilitating workshops, I also include the morning worship message in a Comfort for the Day Weekend.  The sermons I present help prepare the congregation for personal application as well as encouragement to continue reaching out to others in their suffering. My style includes captivating stories, personal experiences, relevant Scripture and audience interaction.

Thank you Karen for coming out and blessing us with the special ministry that the Lord has put in your heart! Powerful messages! Blessings to you and thanks again!
— Troy Haagenson, Cloverdale Idaho SDA Church Pastor

Schedule a seminar for your spiritual community!