Broken Hearts at Christmas

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERASo many things about the Christmas season can mock the heart of the grieving.  While I usually write directly to those who are living through the seasons of life after the death of a loved one, today I must expand my intended audience to include all those who are living with broken hearts due to any type of loss.  You might be dragging through this season with financial or health loss.  You could be suffering from a broken relationship with a spouse, child, or parent.  Whatever your loss is today, this MONDAY MOURNING post is for you.pandora logoAs I was listening to my Pandora Christmas station today, I took in the messages of the music thinking of you, the brokenhearted.  It occurred to me that much of the sentiment in Christmas songs adds pain upon pain.  It mocks the griever.  This is not the most wonderful time of the year, coming home for Christmas might be the last place you want to be, or the only place you want to be, but can’t.  Having a jolly little Christmas is not even an option for you.  So what do people in emotional pain do to navigate through this season with hope and grace?Is it possible that the deeper, truer story of Christmas holds the secret?  Does the announcement heralded by the angels bring hope for our brokenness?  “GOOD NEWS OF GREAT JOY!”  “PEACE!”  “EMMANUEL~GOD WITH US.”  We are not left alone in our pain.  Peace is promised! It is given to our chaotic lives.  Then, through the ancient prophets, they foretold that Messiah would comfort all who mourn and heal our broken hearts.  Christmas is the arrival of God to do for us what we are incapable of doing for ourselves.  The deep meaning of Christmas is such good news for the broken hearted!While the sentimental songs and frivolity of the season might rub us wrong, the real essence of this holiday is where we can turn our focus.  Unto us a child is given.  Unto us a son is born.  He is the hope for healing our wounded hearts.  He has come, bringing real help for really hurting people.If you need additional help discovering the ways God can bring healing to your broken heart, take a look at my book, Comfort for the Day.  It is filled with Scripture evidence of God stepping into our pain with understanding and grace filled remedies.Through Amazon: and Noble: 

Collective Seven

Collective Seven is a boutique creative agency and marketing firm located in Seattle. We work with companies at all levels of development and specialize in branding, marketing, advertising, and bringing products and services to market.

At Collective Seven we create brands people love.

A New You


Gifts for the Grieving