The Quiet Gift

manger 1I don’t know what your aching heart needs most right now, but I can guess.  I can guess that it needs comfort.  I don’t know what you do to find comfort for your pain, but I write to you today because I DO KNOW what has given comfort to my pain time and time again.

A Currier of Comfort

As I woke up this morning, I was thinking of you and wondering how I could be a currier of comfort to you.  Then, the next thoughts that came to mind had to do with the infant Son of God lying in a bed of straw, wrapped in rags.Some have suggested that he came into our world quietly through the back door.  The only thing was, the angels who have all their lives adored their King couldn’t keep it silent.  So they found a group of poor, socially outcast men watching their sheep and gave them a concert that they and the world would never stop talking about. And then it hit me: FOR GOD SO LOVED THE WORLD, THAT HE GAVE HIS ONLY SON . . . “Love is the Comforter for our pain.  To be loved while we writhe in sorrow brings the peace the angels declared.  It was for our broken hearts that Christ came into the world.Think about it, His first human experience was a cry out of pain, gasping for His first breath, suddenly naked and cold outside the womb, needing immediate care and nourishment.  In every way, just like us!  He is our Savior who is acquainted with our pains, sorrow, and grief.

The Healing Power of God's Love

The power of his love to enter our world is the same power he enters our pain-filled hearts. Quietly, through the back door the message comes until we are restored.  He begins by reminding us:I have loved you with an everlasting love ~ from eternity I have loved you.  1My love quiets you and removes all your fears.  2Nothing you can experience here on this earth will ever prohibit me from loving you.  3I loved you first and my love is what confirms your forgiveness.  4 The end of Job’s story affirms my compassion towards you and how I make all things beautiful in mytime because I love you.  5I am Love.  When you cradle me in your heart, like I was cradled in the manger, Love begins to bring its greatest gifthealing effects.  This grieving Christmas, please accept my gift of healing lovefor your aching heart.  This is why I sent my Son, so you would believe the message of peace the angels sang over a few scruffy shepherds.  Allow my blanket of love to comfort you, my peace to reassure you, my healing to restore you, moment by moment as you live through this winter season.  All the while, I am holding you in my heart.

  1. Jer. 31:3
  2. Zeph. 3:17, I John 4:18
  3. Romans 8:35,38,39
  4. I John 4:10, Psalms 51:1
  5. James 5:11, Isaiah 61:2, Eccl. 3:9


Collective Seven

Collective Seven is a boutique creative agency and marketing firm located in Seattle. We work with companies at all levels of development and specialize in branding, marketing, advertising, and bringing products and services to market.

At Collective Seven we create brands people love.

Back in the Driver's Seat


What Goes Under the Tree for the Grieving?