Life on the Line ~ Journaling through your Grief
When you write about your pain, you are putting yourself on the line ~ the safest line you can find. It is the line on a piece of paper that directs the flow of your thoughts and feelings as your write or journal about yourself. This exercise is one of the most effective ways of working through grief that I know.Let’s talk about journaling for the purpose of healing the hurt in your heart. I know that I risk losing some of you as a reader immediately, but if you will stay with me for just 3 more minutes. . . . I’ll make this short, sweet, and doable.
The Mystery of Pain, Pen & Paper
Are you attracted to the mysterious, the unusual, or unexplainable? If so, journaling might be something you are more interested in than you have even thought of before. Writing about our pain is one of those mysterious processes that changes our mourning. By writing out our feelings, the power of grief is rearranged so that we regain control, even for just a few moments. Expressing feelings on paper brings relief from the whirlpool of emotions. Our raging or stuck emotions experience freedom when our pain flows from our mind and heart out through our finger tips. I can’t explain why or how this works; all I know is that it does work.
writing for healing
End the Cycle of Suffering
Here is another thing I know. While we might be able to speak about our pain, memories, confusion, anxiety, fears, etc., the words we speak return to our ears keeping the whirlpool of emotions frothing in our hearts. On the other hand, when those same words find their way onto paper through our finger tips, a physical relief often occurs. Some current research even suggests that the process of hand written expression is more emotionally effective than using a keyboard.
Journaling is to your mind what Drano is to a clogged shower.
Journaling is to your heart what a cozy bed is to a child.
Journaling is to your body what summer rain is to dusty ground.
Important Questions to Consider
Here are some questions you might want to consider: Do you want to feel better tonight or in the morning? Do you long for relief? Does the privacy of expressing your own grief in your own space appeal to you? Are you willing to let go of those overwhelming emotions? Why not put it on paper? Why not give it a try? It can’t hurt you further and is highly likely to bring much needed relief, clarity, hope and healing. Any piece of paper and pen will do. You can dispose of it when you are finished or can keep it safely to revisit when you need the encouragement of already processed feelings.
guided grief journal
Guided Grief Journal
In the midst of our grief, we need others who have traveled ahead and left us tips for our journey. Comfort for the Day is just such a resource for you. Written with compassion, insight and specific grief journal guidance, this book becomes your story of how God is faithful to bring healing for your broken heart. You will journal your way towards help for your hurting heart as you are comforted from Scripture. As you put your pain on the line you will move towards releasing it. If you think of it, please let me know how your experience of writing your life on the line is working for you.© Karen Nicola August 14 2017