Never Again

painters1Hard Day's Work ~

Yesterday I spent the day working really hard, all day long.  We are painting the exterior of our home, by hand, no sprayer, just taking our time and rolling or brushing on every square inch of siding, trim and gutters.  Because I am lighter than my husband, I was the one to go on the garage tile roof to reach the upper level of the house.  Last night my body  hurt all over .  My muscles rebelled and let me know it.  I even woke myself us in the middle of the night as I rolled over and pain reawakened all over again.  As I woke up this morning, I thought, “I never have to do that again.”  The paint on this house will outlast me or I might just move away before it needs to be painted again.

Hard Day's Grieving ~

Likewise, as we live through the seasons of grief, we will pass through significant days that leave us hurting emotionally.  The pain can wake us in the night and the memories can haunt us.  These thoughts and feelings can especially surface during holidays, birthdays, anniversaries or other special occasions that trigger your sadness and grief.

The Heat of Grief ~

It is summer right now and in this part of the world where I live we are going through a heat wave.  Each hot day that passes, I remind myself that I won’t live through this day ever again.  It will cool down and another season will come.  If the heat of grief seems to be at your maximum level, please be encouraged that you won’t ever have to re-live this painful day again.

A New Day ~

This reminds me of a time in ancient Jewish history when the people of Israel were suffering with enormous losses.  In the middle of a tragic lament, the prophet, Jeremiah, seems to have an ah ha moment when he writes,

“ Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed,

for his compassions never fail. 

They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.”  *

There is morning, a new day that is graced with the mercy, compassion, love and faithfulness from the One who loves you most.  I hope you consider trusting the heat of your grief and the pain of the season into the comforting heart of God who is always present with you and you  won't ever have to live this day of grief again.*Jeremiah 3:22,23

Collective Seven

Collective Seven is a boutique creative agency and marketing firm located in Seattle. We work with companies at all levels of development and specialize in branding, marketing, advertising, and bringing products and services to market.

At Collective Seven we create brands people love.

What Do I Say to a Grieving Friend?


Children & Fathers Who Grieve