Grief Exhaustion
One reason why grief makes us tired is that it’s just plain overwhelming. Dealing with emotional, complex, and stressful experiences is likely to leave us emotionally exhausted.
When Grief and Gratitude Co-Mingle
To my friends who mourn during this season of giving thanks, I give you space to do so. I give you the freedom to grieve. I offer you support in your bereavement. The crazy paradox of what you are experiencing and what others are celebrating may feel like knives stabbing the already shredded parts of your heart.
A Griever's Lament ~ God's Response
I am told to take life one step at a time, but it is so dark, I can’t see the chasms to my right or left and I am afraid to move forward. It feels like each day I am stumbling in the dark, which leaves my emotions bruised and battered. When sorrow is my constant companion, how am I to wake up and enter into the activities of “normal” people?
Who are We Really Mad at in Grief?
We can often feel mad at the person who died. This is confusing and normal. Find out how to turn this irrational thought into a rational one.