How The Body Grieves


“No one tells you that bereavement causes physical pain too. It felt like every cell in my body was screaming the agony of separation from their opposite number in him,” wrote Carol Batchelor .

The Physiology of Grief

When grief hits, when our world is turned upside down, when loss is all consuming and pain is our constant companion, it is important to be reminded that our bodies are attached to our mind and emotions.  Emotional distress will negatively affect our bodies.  So here are just a few ways the body process the physiology of grief:

  • The immune system goes into shock, resulting in reduced immunity against disease
  • Chest pain and muscle ache is common
  • Eye sight is affected temporarily
  • Weight loss or weight gain can occur
  • Mental clarity is diminished and the capacity to focus on ordinary tasks is challenging
  • The body experiences high levels of fatigue/exhaustion
  • Healthy sleep habits can be interrupted by insomnia, dreams, or nightmares

What can we do to remedy bereavement’s physical side affects?  Act upon positive choices to care for your body.  As we do, our body’s increasing health will assist us in healing the emotional trauma.  It’s pretty simple:

  • Eat good healthy foods.
  • Exercise in the fresh air.
  • Drink 8 glasses of water daily.
  • Take a warm bath or shower before bed.
  • Relax with music or inspirational reading.
  • Consider increasing your vitamin intake.
  • Start to write about your grief experiences.
  • Cry freely.

As we care for your body, it reduces the suffering of our broken hearts and we just might discover healing of our whole self.

Collective Seven

Collective Seven is a boutique creative agency and marketing firm located in Seattle. We work with companies at all levels of development and specialize in branding, marketing, advertising, and bringing products and services to market.

At Collective Seven we create brands people love.

Have A Good Cry


A Position Worth Remembering