A Position Worth Remembering

out of focus 2Ruth Bell Graham tells a story* of a sheriff deputy who was target shooting.  When his time came to shoot, he drew a bead on the target.The sheriff remembers, “Suddenly I began to perspire, and when I perspire, my glasses fog up.  There I was with a bead drawn on the target and all I could see was fog.  Then I remembered what our old Navy instructor had taught us: ‘If you ever lose sight of the target,’ he said, ‘just remember your position.’ So I just held my position and pulled the trigger as fast as I could. When I took off my glasses and wiped them, I had hit the bull’s-eye every time.”Are there times when you lose focus of your target?  Does the pressure of the moment confuse our understanding of God?  Have we lost sight of glorifying and praising Him? Weeping blurs our vision.  Unexplained tragedy seeps in with the murky waters of doubt and our faith begins to waver.  Whatever crisis of pain, grief or loss, can we REMEMBER our position?  We are in the Arms of everlasting love, compassion, wisdom, peace and healing.  While it may all seem too blurry at this moment, keep your spiritual position clear in your heart and fire away.  Cry, sing or whisper your sacrifice of praise, for God is in the middle of making beauty from your loss and pain.  Keep firing praises to him and keep remembering your position.  Live today knowing WHERE you stand and WHO supports you with all the resources of Heaven!*Legacy of a Pack Rat by Ruth Bell Graham, 1989

Collective Seven

Collective Seven is a boutique creative agency and marketing firm located in Seattle. We work with companies at all levels of development and specialize in branding, marketing, advertising, and bringing products and services to market.

At Collective Seven we create brands people love.


How The Body Grieves


A Child's Grief