From "WHY?" to PEACE

Peace ~ A Mysterious Gift

Peace ~ A Mysterious Gift

WHY DO THESE THINGS HAPPEN: death, murder, accidents terminal illness, violence, crime & suffering?  I asked this question when our son relapsed with his leukemia and died a month and a half later. 

Do you have "why?" questions that keep you spinning? When loss, trauma, and death happen our need to understand and bring meaning into the chaos becomes a priority. It is nearly impossible to comprehend that something can settle our search for the "why" questions and settle our hearts.

Brilliant theologians have explored and wrestled with the “WHY?” questions that pour out of our broken-hearted cries.  A hospital chaplain encouraged me to stop asking “Why?” but I couldn’t stop. I needed to know that a bigger picture existed. I am no theologian, but I can say I have been in the process of personally knowing God for nearly 45 years.  He hasn’t answered all my questions yet.  However, I found a little hint of an answer that applies to our grieving, screaming cries of “why.” Along with the insight comes a remarkable offer. I found it in a brief, yet significant statement Jesus gave the night of His arrest.  He said,

“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace

In this world, you will have trouble.

But take heart! I have overcome the world.” *

What's Your Address?

Last I checked, we each have an address that is associated with Planet Earth. “This world” as Jesus said, is full of TROUBLE.  So a basic answer to our “Why?” question is that we live on a messed-up planet.  Jesus personally knew being misunderstood. He had experienced bullying, scoffing, hatred, threats, violence, and eventually a murderous death.  He personally knows a life of grief and sorrow. Yet He offers PEACE! Peace, while living on this troubled world! It is a promised gift found nowhere in this world. The promise of His PEACE is a reality that many have experienced.

A Mysterious Gift

I deeply appreciate how Jesus can redirect our screaming “WHY?” questions, by first acknowledging the pain, then offering something that comes from His Kingdom of Love, Mercy, and Grace ~ His PEACE.  This peace is real, my friend.  It doesn’t come from our circumstances or our psychology.  It comes from God.  It is a gift.  So if you are tired of asking “why?” and you are weary from trying to find all the answers, if you are willing to let go of figuring it all out and want to turn your attention to healing, then stop to accept the offer of peace. You can turn with trust to the One who loves you most; His peace is yours.  You need not barter for it or negotiate a “deal.” It is offered FREELY to you and me because God knows how desperately we need it to get through the tough times on this planet. Peace will be in abundance to meet the needs that chaos or confusion leave in our hearts. 

And oddly, just as we can’t find answers to many of our questions, neither is there an explanation of the existence of peace . . .  other than it comes from above and is a mysterious gift designed just for our broken hearts.  Heaven will never run out of a supply of it. Our desperate need of it guarantees its endless resource.  I hope you are already breathing more easily with His gift of PEACE.

*John 16:33 

© Karen Nicola 2016

Photography: By Kathleen Smart Von Pohle


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