Grief Exhaustion
The Hurting Karen Nicola The Hurting Karen Nicola

Grief Exhaustion

One reason why grief makes us tired is that it’s just plain overwhelming. Dealing with emotional, complex, and stressful experiences is likely to leave us emotionally exhausted.

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Why Not PYSOP?
The Hurting Karen Nicola The Hurting Karen Nicola

Why Not PYSOP?

Put Your Stuff On Paper/PYSOP has nothing to do with school.  If writing seemed like a struggle for you, reframe Pysoping this way:  Pysoping is to the broken heart what Drano is to a clogged drain!  It is a release valve that allows your emotions to flow freely in a safe place on paper. There are no grammar, spelling, or handwriting rules to follow when we PYSOP.  So put pen to paper fearlessly.  Let all your thoughts and emotions, questions, and fears flow out from your body and heart. Our emotions are messy, disorganized, random, and unpredictable. What goes on paper should reflect what is in the heart.

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From "WHY?" to PEACE
The Hurting Karen Nicola The Hurting Karen Nicola

From "WHY?" to PEACE

I deeply appreciate how Jesus can redirect our screaming “WHY?” questions, by acknowledging the pain, then offering something that comes from His Kingdom of Love, Mercy, and Grace ~ His PEACE.  This peace is real, my friend.  It doesn’t come from our circumstances or our psychology.  It comes from God. 

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Independence Day Grief
The Hurting, The Comforter Karen Nicola The Hurting, The Comforter Karen Nicola

Independence Day Grief

Independence is now a new way of living day to day, yet your heart will ever be touched with explosive memories that will dazzle and sparkle in the night sky of your soul. Just as a new country was made, a new individual is being formed.  That is you.  Will you be courageous to grieve well, make choices that lead you towards adjustment and healing, and reach out to others to be with you as you learn a new way of life? 

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Putting Away Christmas
The Hurting Karen Nicola The Hurting Karen Nicola

Putting Away Christmas

I turn off the CD player and reluctantly put all the Christmas music in their box.  By now the missing charm and glow of lights, decorations, and holiday tunes leave me feeling melancholy.  The house seems lonely, empty, and quiet. My soul feels the loss.

Putting Away Grief?

I wish it could be this uncomplicated to put away my grief, but I know it is not.

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The Nativity of  Loss and Grief
The Hurting Karen Nicola The Hurting Karen Nicola

The Nativity of Loss and Grief

Does it seem your grief is unnoticed? Is there only a rare visitor? Has isolation robbed you of the normal social and emotional support you need? If Angels could guide shepherds and a star could direct wise men, then I hope you can trust God knows how to send comfort and support to you.

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When Grief and Gratitude Co-Mingle
The Hurting Karen Nicola The Hurting Karen Nicola

When Grief and Gratitude Co-Mingle

To my friends who mourn during this season of giving thanks, I give you space to do so.  I give you the freedom to grieve.  I offer you support in your bereavement.   The crazy paradox of what you are experiencing and what others are celebrating may feel like knives stabbing the already shredded parts of your heart. 

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A Griever's Lament ~               God's Response
The Hurting Karen Nicola The Hurting Karen Nicola

A Griever's Lament ~ God's Response

I am told to take life one step at a time, but it is so dark, I can’t see the chasms to my right or left and I am afraid to move forward.  It feels like each day I am stumbling in the dark, which leaves my emotions bruised and battered. When sorrow is my constant companion, how am I to wake up and enter into the activities of “normal” people?

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The Hurting Karen Nicola The Hurting Karen Nicola


Grieving hearts long for our loved ones. Longing is a normal part of grief. Learn some ways to let longing have its voice and bring you healing.

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